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Call Inner Contract


Platon has a built-in system contract,Support for SOLIDITY cross-contract calls, can be called by the following method:

<address>.call(...) returns (bool):   Low-level functions Call, return false, send all available GAS, adjustable.

<address>.callcode(...) returns (bool):   Low-level functions Callcode, return false, send all available GAS, adjustable.

<address>.delegatecall(...) returns (bool):   Emit a low-level function delegateCall, return false, send all available GAS, adjustable.

Or call the Call operating code by inline assembly.

Code example#

pragma solidity ^0.5.13;
contract PlatonInner {
    bytes returnValue;
    function assemblyCallppos(bytes memory data,address addr) public {        uint256 len = data.length;        uint retsize;        bytes memory resval;        assembly {            if iszero(call(gas, addr, 0,  add(data, 0x20), len, 0, 0)) {                invalid()            }            retsize := returndatasize()        }        resval = new bytes(retsize);        assembly {            returndatacopy(add(resval, 0x20), 0, returndatasize())        }        returnValue = resval;    }
    function getReturnValue() public view returns(bytes memory ){        return returnValue;    }

Note: The RLP codes are required for the parameters of the system contract, so it is recommended to complete it under the chain.