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INTEGRATE PlatON Wallet Plugin SDK

Install PlatON Wallet Plugin SDK#

Integrate our SDK to your dApp/Wallet/swap UI.


We recommend installing the SDK via npm、yarn or pnpm.

npm install '@platonnetwork/platon-wallet-sdk'


yarn add '@platonnetwork/platon-wallet-sdk'


pnpm add '@platonnetwork/platon-wallet-sdk'

Set up the SDK#

After you have installed the SDK, you first need to set it up.

To get started, you have to instantiate and configure the Platon-Wallet SDK:

import PlatOWallet from '@platonnetwork/platon-wallet-sdk';
// Definition PlatONWallet SDKconst walletSDK = new PlatONWallet(config);

The optional config parameter can be used to pass custom configuration to the SDK:

type ConfigUpdate = {    env: 'PROD', // 'TEST' or 'PROD'    // This parameter is optional. 'light' or 'dark', default to 'light'    theme: 'light'  };

The env defines which environment should be access, and can be selected as TEST or PROD. This requires that the corresponding environment be determined at initialization time.

  • TEST Corresponding test environment, which corresponds to PlatON's development network;
  • PROD Corresponds to the production environment, which corresponds to the main network of PlatON;

Note: After the user connects the wallet and switches the wallet each time, the parameter needs to be set in the following ways:

walletSDK.setWalletOption({  walletType: '<Wallet plugin identification>',  walletProvider: <EIP1193 standard Provider>})

Initialize and use PlatON-Wallet#

Once the PlatON-Wallet definition is complete, the 'init()' function needs to be called to complete the initialization:

Example is the MetaMask wallet plug-in usage.

// Initialize PlatONWallet SDKwalletSDK.init({  walletType: 'METAMASK',           // eg:'METAMASK', 'PARTICLE', 'WALLETCONNECT'  walletProvider: window.ethereum   // `window.ethereum` 为 MetaMask is eip1193 ethereum provider})

walletType value:

  • METAMASK:MetaMask wallet plugin;
  • PARTICLE:Particle wallet;
  • WALLETCONNECT:WalletConnect V2;

After initialization, need to call the 'setWalletOption()' function to set the wallet type of the current connection:

// Setup wallet pluginwalletSDK.setWalletOption({  walletType: 'METAMASK',  walletProvider: window.ethereum,})

After setting the wallet type, call 'show()' to display the PlatON-Wallet page:

// Show;

Switch To Particle Wallet#

Method of obtaining EIP1193 standard provider in Particle:

// particle example, @particle-network/connect-react-ui, @wagmi/core and @particle-network/connect // packages expose the provider in a different way, refer their docs for detailsconst pn = new ParticleNetwork({  projectId: 'your project id',  clientKey: 'your client key',  appId: 'your app id',  wallet: {    displayWalletEntry: false,  },}) 
// import { ParticleNetwork } from '@particle-network/auth'// import { ParticleProvider } from '@particle-network/provider'const particleProvider = new ParticleProvider(pn.auth) 

Setting wallet to Particle in PlatON-Wallet:

walletSDK.setWalletOption({  walletType: 'PARTICLE',  walletProvider: particleProvider,})

Switch To WalletConnect v2#

Method of obtaining EIP1193 standard provider in WalletConnect v2:

// walletconnect example, @wagmi/core and @web3modal/ethereum packages expose the provider in a different way, refer their docs for detailsconst supportedRpcMap = await wallet.getSupportedChainsMap() // walletconnect required
const wcProvider = await EthereumProvider.init({  // import { EthereumProvider } from '@walletconnect/ethereum-provider'  projectId: 'your project id',  chains: [    ...Object.keys(supportedRpcMap).map((item) => +item),    // your own chains  ],  rpcMap: {    ...supportedRpcMap,    // your own rpc map  },  showQrModal: true,  qrModalOptions: {    themeVariables: {      '--wcm-z-index': '9999',    },  },})

Setting wallet to WalletConnect v2 in PlatON-Wallet:

walletSDK.setWalletOption({  walletType: 'WALLETCONNECT',  walletProvider: wcProvider,})

Disconnect or Exit#

walletSDK.setWalletOption({  walletType: '',  walletProvider: null,})



Example usage#

When the project is rendered for the client, use the following import methods:

import PlatOWallet from '@platonnetwork/platon-wallet-sdk';
// Definition PlatONWallet SDKconst walletSDK = new PlatONWallet({    env: 'PROD', // 'TEST' or 'PROD'    theme: 'light'});
// Initialization PlatONWallet SDKwalletSDK.init({    walletType: 'METAMASK',     walletProvider: window.ethereum});
// Set wallet typewalletSDK.setWalletOption({  walletType: 'METAMASK',  walletProvider: window.ethereum})
// Hide Platon-Wallet.walletSDK.hide();
// Show;
// Destroy Platon-WalletwalletSDK.destroy();

When the project is rendered for the server (e.g. using next.js, etc.), use the following import method:

let walletSDK = null
import('@platonnetwork/platon-wallet-sdk').then(module => {  walletSDK = new module.default({ env: 'PROD' })})

Token Contract#

PlatON Testnet#

Tether USDUSDT0x1e6E4b48F6F57Aa7cefd8239e8515694D110386B
USD CoinUSDC0x229b68722bF16CCc7186Dc8760b3D8C5980fe609

PlatON Mainnet#

Tether USDUSDT0xeac734fb7581D8eB2CE4949B0896FC4E76769509
USD CoinUSDC0xdA396A3C7FC762643f658B47228CD51De6cE936d